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Lisa Molock

Lisa Molock a peace advocate for children impacted by violence organized a peace walk on the 1 year date 7 year old Taylor Hayes was murdered.

Quote from Lisa Molock " Please Put Down The Guns & Stop The Violence"

When will Black Lives Matter to Black Lives..

When you have to comfort a crying mom that had to bury her 7 year old daughter because she was shot is one of the hardest conversations to have but I was able to encourage Shanika (Taylors Mom) to continue the march.

We do these marches to touch 1 heart or 1 mind in hopes they will stop killing each other. No One seems to have a conscience anymore. When I was a child children, elders and woman were off limits. Period

The Baltimore Sun wrote an article on our march for peace for change or maybe we march to scream and hoping the murderers will hear us and just stop just stop maybe they will just stop.


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