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Lisa Molock organized peace walk for 19 year old Donye Lowther murdered carjacked behind dumpster.

Lisa Molock " When I'm leading a march I dont know where the courage, the strength, or the motivation come from but I do know one thing I'm so inspired that I have so much energy to march for hours so that each family voice is heard in a positive way.

"See Something Say Something" Lisa Molock Chanted as she lead family and friends of 19 year old Donye Lowther a father who was robbed, carjacked and left murdered by a dumpster in Northeast Baltimore.

Do I Know what Im going to chant before I begin a march ? The answer is No! I go with the mood of the family and friends and people just follow

When I march for victims rights I dont carry my youth army along. This is a job for the adults this is war. I put on my army pants and lead te family up down and around these urban projects in Northeast Baltimore. Their loved one was found behind a dumpster, stripped of his clothes, stripped of decency, and his car was still missing 1 week later. We Want Answers. They are demanding Justice.
Mending relationships between Baltimore City Police and The community.
I called NE Police District to aide us with police protection to protect the family, friends and myself also, to build community and police trust. If our people black people can see the cops as someone they can trust because they are their protector that is one more relationship mended.

I called NE Police District to aide us with police protection to protect the family, friends and myself also, to build community and police trust. If our people black people can see the cops as someone they can trust because they are their protector that is one more relationship mended.

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